Friday, January 6, 2012

Some Changes & My Next Show

Happy Friday!
First, an apology. I told you all that I would be more frequent with my posts and here I weeks later (I hang my head in shame). There's been some big changes for us lately, the biggest of which is a new job. I have accepted a new, full-time position in my field of study, healthcare. It will be a rather big change for us considering I have been home with our two year old for the last year.  I will go with mixed feelings- excitement for the challenge and sadness for leaving my pumpkins. That first day will likely be brutal, leaving my sweet girl at daycare (sigh) but she will be ok, and so will I.

On another note, I am preparing for my next show at Urban Finds. It is next Friday, January 13th from 6-8pm and Saturday, January 14th from 9am-4pm. I will definitely have some posts coming up on all the goodies I plan to bring! After that show- it's up in the air. My prediction is that working full-time will be an adjustment so the furniture and posts will have to take a back seat until I re-learn how to do the working mom thing.

So stay tuned and thanks for your patience and understanding as I take on some new adventures!