Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 Days of Thankful

Simple as that. I will list some of the many things I am thankful for over the next 30 days. I will edit this post through the end of November.

Day 1: My children's love of reading. Such a simple, but important thing in our house.
Day 2: Sweatpants, cuddly blankets and comfort food (baby, it's cold outside!)

Day 3: My wonderful husband and the "me" time he encourages me to take in order to remain sane.
Love those few hours when I can get away and do whatever I please (which usually involves Michael's & Starbucks).
Day 4: Those rare moments when you catch your kids playing without being noticed.  
My two year old is very good at playing alone & I love to quietly watch her talking to her babies & making things up as she goes along, or my eight & nine year old dancing all crazy. So sweet and innocent.
Day 5: A change of pace. A change from your normal, daily routine.
Day 6: My perfectly imperfect family. Sometimes we're loud, we fight, we forget our manners...but it doesn't matter. We are together. We are healthy. And we love each other.
Day 7: The ability to change and grow. What if you reached a certain point and you could no longer change or grow. You couldn't improve, you couldn't lose or gain weight, you couldn't become a better person? How lucky we are, to be able to change the things we don't like about ourselves & our lives.
Day 8: Coupons. Today I am thankful for coupons, sales, deals, discounts, etc... We (my husband & I) often see who can find the best deals. The feeling of getting a great deal and rarely ever paying full price is, well, priceless.
Day 9: Electricity. We lost ours with the first snow of the season this morning. Not pleasant but thankfully, it was short lived.
Day 10: Good health. I take this for granted often, until I get sick or injured, then I remember how lucky I am to feel good 99% of the time.
Day 11: Sunshine. It's such a pick me up!
Day 12: Past & present military. I appreciate you all so very much, and all that you do for our country. You are all amazing. Thank you for preserving my freedom.
Day 13: Pictures. It's so much fun to look through them and reminisce and talk about family and friends.
Day 14: Forgiveness.  I hope you will forgive me for not keeping up this past week!
Day 15: My cell phone. That's all.

Day 16: Kids..all of them. So honest and sweet, they often bring you back to reality and re balance your perspective on things.
Day 17: My mommy. She's so talented, particularly with DIY, and always willing to help and teach me. Not to mention she is always, always there for any of us whenever we need it, and is a wonderful grandma to my kiddos. 
Day 18: Spray paint and Modge Podge. These two things are amazing. Love them! You will see why on the sheet music dresser that I will be showing you soon (idea from Miss Mustard Seed's blog).
Day 19: Sunday Funday. Probably not the traditional definition, but yesterday all of the family chipped in to help me get ready for my upcoming show. It was fun.
Day 20: Unexpected quality time. Related to the previous one, my daughter asked if she could help with some of my projects. Now usually, I admit, I'm anal and don't really want "help" on painting projects, however, this was just the primer so I thought it would be fun to let my middle child help. Not only did she do an awesome job but it gave us some time together AND I got to teach her some things about painting and DIY. Priceless.
Day 21: My amazing, handsome husband. Sorry ladies, I took the perfect one.. and no, you can't have him. Na-na-na-na-na-na. Really, I'm not sorry. Just happy and thankful that he's mine. :) 
Day 22: The US of A. I often think of how lucky we are to be able to walk outside without fear of being shot or bombed. I'm not afraid to send me kids to school for fear of getting caught in the cross-fire of a war outside my door. It may not be perfect, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else (ok, maybe Italy or France wouldn't be torture either). 
Day 23: "Do nothing" time.  So nice, even if rare.
Day 24: Eating everything you see without guilt day. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Day 25: Family get togethers. Fun to hang out and catch up.
Day 26: Music. It can completely change my mood, provide an outlet and even confirm that I'm not the only one who faces challenges.
Day 27: Sleep. Oh how I love my sleep. Mmmmm....   
Day 28: Exercise. Never thought I would say that but it does make me feel more confident and helps to relieve stress. It's just getting to the gym that presents the problem. :)
Day 29: My Birthday. It's coming right up. I can't say that I love getting older, but isn't it so much fun to have a day out of the year that's all yours? Plus, you get away with a lot more (or doing a lot less, in my case). 
Day 30: You. It's true. I love my friends, family and even the others that I've never met that support me throughout my ventures. You provide support and encouragement when I'm feeling frustrated or down. Thank you so much! I hope that I can provide you with some ideas, inspiration or just a little comic relief from time to time.

I am also doing this activity with the kids, and trying to remind them of just how many things we have to be thankful for.
What are you thankful for and do you have any traditions that celebrate it?

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