Thursday, November 3, 2011

Annie Sloan & Two French Headboards

Hurray...tomorrow is Friday!!!
I find it a bit silly that I still love Friday so much, even though I'm home every day of the week. I think it is because when the weekend comes I have more freedom to do other things since the hubs is usually home.
Whatever reason, I'm glad the weekend is almost here!

You can also find this post, and many more amazing projects, on the French Country Cottage blog.

Today I am posting on two little frenchy headboards that I picked up at the Goodwill. So, I doubt that they are really french but that's what they resemble in my humble mind. They were quite ugly when I picked them up (my mom gave me one of those looks), but in this business you have to be able to see past the current color or style but instead see if the shape and detail are there. I got ahead of myself and started to sand them when I realized I hadn't taken a picture. They were originally all the yellow color. Here they are before.

They sat in the garage like this for a month or so (much to my husband's despair-he just loves projects sitting around) while I decided what to do with them. Well, a few weeks ago I purchased Annie Sloan's book on paint transformations using her chalk paint (not chalkboard paint-completely different). Lucky me, she had done a similar headboard and I loved it! The outside trim is painted in Old White and the center in Duck Egg Blue.

This paint is rather thick and I did use it full strength. In the future I think I will dilute it with water just a bit so it goes on smoother. As a result, this does have the hand painted look. I also distressed the headboards slightly, and covered them with a coat of Fiddes & Sons wax in Light (clear). Overall, I really like them and I wish my two girls would agree to put them in their room, but they just "aren't cool" for them right now. I disagree, but such is life. I can also imagine them in a guest room for when little guests come to visit, maybe over the holidays. With that lovely image of a cozy holiday with a house-full-of-guests in mind...I'm off to sleep.
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. They are darling headboards~ thank you for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday!
